Early childhood screens offered
The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an important time of rapid growth and learning!
Early childhood screening is a quick and simple check to see how your child is growing and developing. Between the ages of 3 and 4, screening can detect possible health or learning concerns, so that children can get help before they start school.
At your child's screening, a trained professional will check:
—Immunization status and review of health history
—Large and small muscles
—Thinking, language, and communication skills
—Social and emotional development
The State of Minnesota strongly suggests that all children be screened between the ages of 3- and 4-years-old. The earlier the better, as it is required for preschool and kindergarten entrance. Screening is provided at no cost to parents!
Contact Coordinator Tammy Novak at 545-8800 ext. 6959 or e-mail: tnovak @ci.k12.mn.us.