ECTC seeking board candidates

Emily Cooperative Telephone Company is seeking prospective candidates to run for a position on the Board of Directors representing the Emily District and At Large District. The candidate for Emily District must reside in the City of Emily and a be a member of the cooperative. The candidate for At Large District must reside in the ECTC service area and be a member of the cooperative. A member is anyone with an ECTC account. A director of the cooperative shall among other things:
—Assume a fuduciary duty to the cooperative.
—Possess the minimum knowledge and skills necessary to direct the affairs of a cooperative.
–Be willing to devote such time and effort to the duties of a director as may be necessary.
Members of the ECTC Board of Directors are responsbile for representing the cooperative membership and for eveloping strategies, policies and objectives for the cooperative.
Those interested in becoming a candidate for Emily District or At Large District should contact ECTC General Manager Josh Netland at      jnetland @emily. net or 763-3000.

